Legal disclosure
of the DEICHMANN Foundation
Information in accordance with legal requirements
Dr. Heinz-Horst Deichmann Foundation
Deichmannweg 9
Germany – 45359 Essen
Foundation register: 21.12 – St. 332
Represented by Board Director: Heinrich Deichmann, Chairman of the Board
Phone: 0201 8676-15222
e-Mail: stiftung@deichmann.com
Christian Hinkel
DEICHMANN Foundation
Deichmannweg 9
45359 Essen
Concept and editorial
brand-kommunikation, Bochum
Design and programming
mediadesign-linke, Essen
EU dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (odr): https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
You will find our e-mail address in the Legal Disclosure above.
Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board
We are neither willing nor have any duty to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Bildnachweise / Copyrights

©www.istockphoto.com | www.peopleimages.com

DEICHMANN foundation
Deichmannweg 9
Germany 45359 Essen
Phone: +49 201 8676-15222
e-mail: stiftung@deichmann.com
Account for donations
Deutsche Bank EssenIBAN DE68 3607 0050 0301 1590 01

Through our work, we continuously contribute to achieving the sustainability goals of the globally coordinated 2030 Agenda.