The Deichmann family is committed to Christian values. Learn how these values are reflected in the DEICHMANN Foundation’s work.

focus madagascar


Many, many Madagascans are struggling to survive every day. Find out how the DEICHMANN Foundation provides a real future at diverse locations.

give help where help is needed


Let’s help together to make a difference. Discover how the DEICHMANN Foundation helps, together with qualified organisations

The DEICHMANN Foundation

The Deichmann family is committed to Christian values. Christian charity plays a special role in this vision. Commitment to the common good – especially for the poorest of the poor – is therefore part of the family’s self-image and underpins the purpose of the Foundation. For this reason, the DEICHMANN Foundation has been supporting many social and humanitarian projects and programmes promoting social participation at home and abroad for decades. Regardless of age, origin, gender and religious affiliation, we provide help where people need help. Where possible, we strive for sustainable development in the support we provide.

The DEICHMANN Foundation

The Deichmann family is committed to Christian values. Christian charity plays a special role in this vision. Commitment to the common good – especially for the poorest of the poor – is therefore part of the family’s self-image and underpins the purpose of the Foundation. For this reason, the DEICHMANN Foundation has been supporting many social and humanitarian projects and programmes promoting social participation at home and abroad for decades. Regardless of age, origin, gender and religious affiliation, we provide help where people need help. Where possible, we strive for sustainable development in the support we provide.

How we help

The DEICHMANN Foundation works with qualified partners

We focus on learning and healthcare. In addition, we support selected social, cultural and scientific projects in Germany.

In principle, we work closely with highly qualified partners. We are also supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). With our work, we continuously contribute to achieving the sustainability goals of the globally coordinated 2030 Agenda.

We support projects in the following areas


In examples of project areas:

emergency and desaster relief

In examples of project areas:

education and social participation

In examples of project areas:


In examples of project areas:

Science and research

In examples of project areas:


In examples of project areas:


Emergency and Desaster relief

education and social participation




We work together with qualified partner organisations, such as

    • World Vision Germany, Children’s Fund
    • “Friedensdorf International”, Aid For Children From War-Torn Regions & Crisis Areas Worldwide
    • International Emergency and Disaster Relief Organisation MEDAIR
    • Opportunity International Germany
    • action medeor – the world’s emergency pharmacy, relief organisation
    • International Justice Mission Germany, human rights organisation
    • Mercy Air – Air service for people in need
    • Development Aid Association Upendo e.V.
    • Caritas international, the German Caritas charity
    • Stiftung Universitätsmedizin Essen (University Medicine Foundation)
    • Youth Welfare Office of the City of Essen

Where we help

The DEICHMANN Foundation is engaged worldwide

We have supported projects in Haiti.
We have supported projects in Gambia.
We have supported projects in Kenya.
We have supported projects in Uganda.
We have supported projects in Turkey.
We have supported projects in Syria.
We have supported projects in Bangladesh.
We have supported projects in Germany.
We have supported projects in Poland.
We have supported projects in Ukraine.
Madagascar – a focal point of our foreign assistance.

Every donation counts.

As diverse and individual as the hardship and the need for support that people require, the support that the DEICHMANN Foundation makes possible is targeted. 

Whenever more donations than necessary are received for a project, any excess funds will be used for tasks with a similar goal and purpose. 

Ensuring first-class help
Harnessing many years of experience and strong partners

Five decades of Foundation engagement means extensive experience and expertise in understanding how projects need to be organised in order to directly help those affected and promote their development, thus giving them far more than just a prospect in life.


We continuously develop criteria, according to which the DEICHMANN Foundation selects project partners, and – following our strict requirements – repeatedly put them to the test. For example, the Foundation works with experienced partners with whom there are usually long-standing relationships. In rapid onset incidents, the Foundation draws on a network of regional, national and international aid organisations, institutions and experts who enable rapid and targeted responses to crises.

The DEICHMANN Foundation team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. For projects, we combine know-how from development cooperation, social work and the financial sector.


Jakob Adolf
Project Coordinator
Sarah Franzen
Team Assistant
Ivonne Brehme
Programmes Consultant
Cathrin Zinke
Finance Consultant

50 years of the DEICHMANN Foundation

Social engagement has been a matter of course for the Deichmann family for generations. And since the founding of DEICHMANN – today DEICHMANN SE – help for people who are facing difficult life situations is closely linked to the purpose of the company.

With the founding of the DEICHMANN Foundation 50 years ago, this engagement has been given a legal framework. The Deichmann family and the company have been supporting a wide range of projects for decades. They are involved in Christian charity and social welfare areas, working with partners on development cooperation projects and humanitarian aid, or advancing projects in science, the arts and culture.


Heinz-HorstDeichmann founded the DEICHMANN Foundation on 29 August 1973.


The Foundation supported the Family Help Group which provides assistance to the homeless. This gave rise to similar activities being set up in Duisburg and Essen.


After a trip to Indian slums, Heinz-Horst Deichmann decided to found the charity wortundtat. The first partner was AMG India (Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel). The DEICHMANN Foundation is responsible for funding the majority of wortundtat’s work.


Wortundtat entered into a long-term partnership with the Greek organisation, Hellenic Minis­tries, Projects in Greece are still supported today.


The Essen Weigle-Haus offers voluntary youth work, street work and home help, as well as church worship, extending to include services, Christian group meetings, youth groups and a café. The Foundation mainly supported projects for children and young people in this case, such as offerings including music, exercise and learning or voluntary youth work and holidays.


Inspired by Heinz-Horst Deichmann, Fred Heimbach and Matomora Matomora started the wortundtat KIUMA project in Tanzania. For the people in a remote region, doctors, schools, vocational training opportunities and other services were made available for the first time.


The Foundation started to regularly promote medical research projects at the University Hospital of Esssen.


After a severe earthquake in India, the DEICHMANN Foundation participated in supplying emergency aid for victims and made a large donation to the “Prime Minister’s Fund”.


In August 2002, following days of extremely heavy rainfall, severe flooding occurred, among other things, in eastern and northern Germany and the DEICHMANN Foundation responded by making donations to emergency aid operations and reconstruction efforts.


The first funding of the Essen-based Dürer school was the first of many other funding commitments to schools in various parts of Germany.

School child with notebook and pencil case and woman in classroom

The foundation repeatedly supports projects in schools – here at the Dürerschule in Essen.


After the earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami on Boxing Day 2004, the Deichmann Foundation, together with the Indian wortundtat partner, provided first response services.

Men with new fishing nets

Fishermen who had lost their boats and equipment in the tsunami received new nets through the DEICHMANN Foundation’s partner.


Heinrich-Otto Deichmann promoted a wortundtat partnership in the Republic of Moldova. In the following years, the Gloria project – a hitherto private social-church led services project organised by a number of Christians – extended its range of services to various locations in the south of the country.


Cardellino e.V. organises violin and cello lessons in Essen and received support from the DEICHMANN Foundation. This was followed by projects with similar aims, for example, the Folkwang School of Music, the JeKits project, the Jo­achim School and the Regional Ruhr Association.

young and adult musicians with violins and cellos

Cardellino e.V. in Essen introduces young people to classical music.


The “Safe Start” project in Essen offers advice, support and information to expectant mothers and mothers with children under the age of three. The Foundation supported the work until ithe City of Essen took over the project as part of its standard project funding. This initiative was followed by funding provided to similar projects in Duisburg, Berlin and Kiel.


The Foundation made a significant contribution to the renovation of the Old Synagogue in Essen. Later in the year, it was involved in other projects helping to promote Jewish culture and anti-Semitism; these included educational programmes, memorial trips and language research projects at the Leo Baeck Institute.


The Stern im Norden is community centre where families with children can meet and get advice located in the Dortmund Nordstadt district. Welfare services are offered in a neighbourhood with many social challenges and the Foundation became the fifth partner of the aid organisation, wortundtat, which is primarily financed by the DEICHMANN Foundation.


Following an earthquake in Indonesia, the DEICHMANN Foundation supported emergency aid deployment provide by terre des hommes Germany.


The Foundation financed its first “Germany Scholarships” at the University of Essen. In subsequent years, scholarships were extended to the universities in Bremen, the Lower Rhine and Kaisers Lau­tern.

A large group of young students in front of a wall with a big "10" and "Thank you"

For many years, the DEICHMANN Foundation has supported the Germany Scholarships at the University of Essen and other universities.



A flood disaster in Pakistan caused huge suffering among the mostly poor population. A donation to the Caritas Association in the Diocese of Essen helped them continue to deliver their emergency aid.


Through a project offering work for food, the Foundation supported an organisation committed to helping people caught up in the Yemen civil war.


The teaching-learning centre at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Duisburg-Essen received funding enabling extension and modernisation of the facilities.


Heinrich-Otto Deichmann took over the chair of the Foundation after the passing of his father. He continues work in the spirit of the Foundation founder still today.


With the aim of helping refugees in Germany efficiently, as well as avoiding unnecessary red tape, the Foundation created and financed two coordination jobs for unsalaried volunteers. The Foundation also financed “interactive pen audio readers” and books helping school children to learn German at refugee homes in Essen, as well as vocational orientation courses for people coming from a refugee background.

Children sit in a circle together with teacher on the floor - teacher explains

With “talking pens” children learn a foreign language faster.


The Foundation began cooperating with the Lebanese Society for Educational & Social Development. Among other things, it provided Syrian refugees in Lebanon with food through a network of volunteers.

Adults and children sitting in an unfinished house on a carpet with a box of groceries

Refugees from Syria are supported by the organization LSESD in Lebanon.


The Foundation launched its support for the “Ultra Poor Projects” organised by Oppor­tu­nity In­ter­na­tional (OID) in Haiti and Malawi. OID helps people to get out of extreme poverty definitively by using their own skills and abilities.

2 adults and six children outside in front of simple wooden hut

Opportunity International tackles extreme poverty in Haiti


The emergency and disaster relief organisation, MEDAIR, joined the ranks of the organisations partnering the DEICHMANN Foundation. Since then, the Foundation has been supporting MEDAIR operations in South Sudan, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Bangladesh, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Somalia and Afghanistan, to name a just few countries involved.

Women walk through mud and carry packages on their heads

The regions where MEDAIR helps are often only accessible with great effort.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation supported numerous partner activities in Germany and abroad, including, for example, by donating masks, food aid, and measures aimed at protecting refugees in camps against infection, as well as many other missions.


To ensure that children in Germany learn to swim and have the possibility to take swimming lessons, the Foundation supported the Ein Herz für Kinder (a heart for children) program.


A pilot project to fight poverty in Kenya was launched by the Stern-Stiftung Foundation. The DEICHMANN Foundation joined the project as a major partner.

large brick water tank in dry landscape

A project of the Stern Foundation in Kenya was co-financed by the DEICHMANN Foundation.



After the worst flooding in a century in North Rhine-Westphalia and the Rhineland-Palatinate, the Foundation supported the German Red Cross and the Caritas Association for the Diocese of Essen

three people with a construction dryer

The German Red Cross received a donation to purchase construction dryers.


The Foundation was recognised as a charity promoter worthy of receiving funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Among other things, a drinking water well was drilled as the first common project in the Republic of Moldova.


With the onset of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the Foundation launched its support for several aid missions. Among other things, Ukrainian children were evacuated to Poland. In the Republic of Moldova, over 1,500 Ukrainian refugees received care before being taken to Germany by bus.

2 teen girls on climbing frame

Over 1,500 Ukrainian orphans were evacuated to Poland with the help of the Foundation – along with their caregivers.


Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Foundation and its partner wortundtat built computer skills learning labs for 90 students in Tanzania. People who are enrolled in the project and those living in the surrounding area have been using them since the computer labs were inaugurated.


After 45 years, wortundtat will no longer be working with Indian partner, AMG India which, however, will continue its mission independently. The Indian not-for-profit will now take over the running of schools, health facilities and other services autonomously without support from wortundtat.


After the severe earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the Foundation pledged commitment to various partners working in the affected region. In this way, help can be delivered quickly and directly to earthquake victims.

Earthquake victim thanks helper

Following the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the Foundation is supporting the emergency relief efforts of various organizations.


The DEICHMANN Foundation is celebrating its 50th anniversary. With the growth of DEICHMANN SE, the number of projects supported by the DEICHMANN Foundation has also increased over the years. In the year leading up to the anniversary, around 160 different projects were supported worldwide, 99 of which were in Germany.

Independently audited and
critical areas monitored

The DEICHMANN Foundation has its accounts audited on a voluntary basis by independent auditors from the auditing company KPMG.

In addition, a board of trustees oversees our work. It advises the Foundation Board on its tasks. The Board of Trustees consists of:

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Herbst
  • Dr. Cornelia Krause
  • Dr. Gert Maichel
  • Christoph Waffenschmidt

Independently audited and critical areas monitored

The DEICHMANN Foundation has its accounts audited on a voluntary basis by independent auditors from the auditing company KPMG.

In addition, a board of trustees oversees our work. It advises the Foundation Board on its tasks.

The Board of Trustees consists of:

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Herbst
  • Dr. Cornelia Krause
  • Dr. Gert Maichel
  • Christoph Waffenschmidt

“It’s great to see people we once helped start helping other people in need. This is how help becomes sustainable.”

Heinrich Deichmann
Chairman of the Board of the DEICHMANN Foundation


DEICHMANN foundation
Deichmannweg 9
Germany 45359 Essen

Phone: +49 201 8676-15222

Account for donations

Deutsche Bank Essen
IBAN DE68 3607 0050 0301 1590 01


Through our work, we continuously contribute to achieving the sustainability goals of the globally coordinated 2030 Agenda.

© DEICHMANN Foundation – Engaged worldwide
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